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Common Foot Conditions

Numerous conditions can affect the legs and feet. The links below contain information about a few of the more common problems seen by podiatrists.

Health Complications - 'At Risk' Feet

Diabetes affects almost 3 million people in the UK, and almost another million people may have the disease without realising it. Diabetes can affect the nerves in your feet, causing them to feel numb or tingly and making damage more likely. It also can result in slow healing of even small injuries, with an increased risk of infection. Regular foot care and advice is essential for diabetics, to help prevent more serious complications.


Many conditions such as arthritis, Parkinsons disease, strokes or even bunions can change the way we walk, sometimes resulting in increased callus and corn formation and pain. Regular foot care treatments can help to make walking more comfortable.


Peripheral arterial disease  - In the UK around 100,000 people are diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease each year. It increases significantly with age, affecting more than 20% of people over 75. Diabetes patients are up to 3 times more likely to suffer from arterial disease than the rest of the population. As many as 50% of people with peripheral arterial disease do not display specific symptoms so it is essential that early screening of those at risk takes place to allow lifestyle changes to take place.

Sports & Activity Related Conditions

Podiatrists can help with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of injuries relating to participation in sports or exercise. Problems are often related to abnormally rotating or deformed joints or muscles. Common problems incude medial tibial stress syndrome (often referred to as ‘shin splints), achilles tendonitis, patellofemoral syndrome (presents as pain at the front of the knee). A biomechanical assessment HYPERLINK is carried out, with an orthotic prescription as necessary, footwear advice and stretching / strengthening exercises. Please see the Sports HYPERLINK page for more information on specific activity related problems.

© 2013 by Lynne Hawkes

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